In this lesson, we are going to explore some of the coding concepts for the Remote Monitoring station you are going to code next. Take a look at the blocks below, they will be used to code your project in the next section.


In coding, there’s a block called the ‘Forever’ block. Imagine you have a toy train that goes around a track. Once you turn it on, it keeps going around and around until you decide to turn it off. That’s how the ‘Forever’ block works in coding. It tells the computer to keep doing something over and over again without stopping.


In coding, we have a super handy tool called the ‘If, Then, Else’ block. Imagine you’re giving advice to a friend about dressing up for the day. You’d say, ‘If it’s sunny, wear your cool shades and shorts. But if it’s not sunny, maybe it’s raining, so wear your raincoat and boots instead.’ This ‘If, Then, Else’ block is like that advice. It helps the computer make decisions by giving it two choices: one for when something specific happens (like it being sunny) and another choice for when it doesn’t. Just like you pick your outfit based on the weather, the computer picks an action based on the rules we give it!


In coding, we often need to remember or keep track of certain pieces of information. We use something called a ‘variable’ to do this. Imagine a variable as a special kind of backpack. Inside the backpack, you can put different items, and you can also take them out or change them. Just like you might put a book in your backpack today and a lunchbox tomorrow, a variable can hold different data at different times. So, a variable is like a computer’s backpack, helping it remember and carry the information you give it!