Look at the plant life cycle:

A cartoon life cycle of a plant. Three plants are in a cycle with arrows drawn between them. The upper left flower has a bee pollenating a flower. The second image shows the flower wilting and fertilizing the soil. The third image in the cycle shows a new flower growing, with just a small leaf and young roots
A cartoon life cycle of a plant. Three plants are in a cycle with arrows drawn between them. The upper left flower has a bee pollenating a flower. The second image shows the flower wilting and fertilizing the soil. The third image in the cycle shows a new flower growing, with just a small leaf and young roots
previous arrow
next arrow


  1. Take 3 minutes to name as many parts of this cycle as you can.
  2. What would happen if any part of the cycle were removed?
  3. How are you involved in or connected to this cycle?