Smart farming uses technology to track how much water each plant on a farm needs.

The future of farming

Making advancements in agriculture allows farmers to do so much more, all while using fewer resources and being more efficient overall. Advancing farming will enable farmers to take less time to do their everyday tasks. It also allows for the better management of resources like water.

Types of Farming Systems

Machines can help plant seeds and weed crops more quickly! This means farmers can work faster and work on a set schedule.

Seed planting machine illustration
Silo illustrator watering a crop

By using watering systems that track each plant’s needs, farmers can grow more food and reduce the impact of overwatering their crops.

Drones can help spread fertilizer and other nutrients to plants over large crops, which keeps them healthy and growing.

Drone illustration spraying fertilizer over a crop
Harvesting machine illustration picking produce from a field

When a crop is ready, harvesting technology helps to collect more plants quickly and maintain a high-quality final product while monitoring essential data.


How might smart agriculture help support healthy ecosystems in your community?