Now that we have our Climate Action Kit unboxed and set up, let’s go over each of the components and how they work.

Breakout Board & Components | Getting Started

Important Notes

  • Sensor components can only be connected to Sensor ports on the Breakout Board.
  • Servo Motors can only be connected to the Motor ports on the Breakout Board.
  • The Water Pump can only be connected at the water pump port. The red wire must connect to the positive pin and the black wire must connect to the negative pin.
  • It’s also important to never store the pump wet. Allow the pump to run out of water for a few moments before setting it out to dry.
  • For a more in-depth look at the Climate Action Kit’s Sensors and Robotic Components, please refer to our Knowledge Base here.

Next up, we’ll review the various building blocks in the kit and how to use them!