Electric Vehicles are a type of vehicle that is powered by batteries rather than burning fuel to drive around. Using sustainable transportation options like electric vehicles helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on our planet.

3D render of Forward Education's autonomous vehicle project build.

In today’s lesson, we’ll explore the difference between electric vehicles (EVs) and combustion engines and investigate the environmental impact of both types of vehicles. Then, we’ll create our own electric vehicle using the Climate Action Kit.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs are 17 goals created by the United Nations to make the world a better place. This lesson is connected to Goals 7, 9, and 13.

As we think about electric vehicles, consider these questions:

  • How can electric vehicles help contribute to clean energy?
  • How can electric cars change the automotive manufacturing industry?
  • What infrastructure changes might be required in cities to support more electric vehicles?
  • How do electric cars contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and fighting climate change?
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 7, affordable and clean energy
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 9, industry, innovation and infrastructure
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action logo. Eye with pupil decorated as Earth.