Pollination is when pollen moves from one flower to another. This helps plants make seeds and grow new plants. Bees, butterflies, birds, and even the wind can help carry pollen from flower to flower.

When a bee visits a flower to get nectar, pollen sticks to its body. Then, when the bee goes to another flower, the pollen rubs off. This helps the flowers make seeds.
Parts of a Plant

Roots are the part of the plant that grows under the ground. They help hold the plant in the soil, soak up water and nutrients, and sometimes keep food for the plant.
The stem is the part of the plant that stands up and acts like a delivery system. It carries water, nutrients, and sugars from the roots to the rest of the plant.

Leaves are where a plant makes its food. They catch sunlight and use it to change water and carbon dioxide into food for the plant.
Flowers are the part of the plant that can make new plants. They make pollen and seeds. Flowers often use their color and smell to attract bees and other helpers that spread the pollen.

Fruits come from flowers and have seeds inside. The fruit keeps the seeds safe and helps spread them around so new plants can grow.
Seeds are the part of the plant that can grow into a new plant. They have a tiny baby plant inside and the food it needs to start growing.