The answer may surprise you, but wind actually comes from a combination of the earth rotating and the difference in temperatures caused by the suns rays.

When the wind blows, it pushes the blades of the wind turbine to spin around. As they spin, they capture the wind’s energy and turns it into kinetic energy, then into electricity. This is like how a toy windmill spins when you blow on it, but on a much bigger scale. So, thanks to the moving wind, we can light up our homes and power many other things!

Energy can be in two main forms: potential or kinetic. Potential energy is like stored energy, waiting to be released. For example, when a swing is at its highest point, it has a lot of potential energy because of its position.

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy of movement. Everything that moves, from big trucks to tiny atoms, has kinetic energy. The faster something moves, the more kinetic energy it has. When you push a swing and it goes really high, it’s converting kinetic energy into potential energy. As it comes back down and moves fast, it’s transforming that potential energy back into kinetic energy.

So, whenever you see something moving or positioned to move, just remember: it’s showcasing kinetic and potential energy at work

How do they work? 

The kinetic energy from the wind forces the blades to rotate, which turns the low-speed shaft. The gearbox connects the low speed shaft to the high speed shaft which turns the generator to produce electricity.