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Coding with micro:bit and MakeCode

  • Difficulty: Educator
  • Time: 20-40 minutes
  • Categories: Professional Development

This course will introduce educators to coding with the micro:bit. Learn how to navigate the MakeCode editor, follow guided tutorials, and build interactive projects like a step counter, empowering you to bring coding and creativity into your classroom.

What this lesson includes

  • Materials

    micro:bit V2
  • Activity

    Video & Coding Tutorials
  • Suggested Prerequisite

    Climate Action Kit Lessons
  • Credential

    Climate Action Kit Certified Educator

Educator Resources

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Overview Accordion

Learning Goals

  • Identify the key physical features of the micro:bit and explain their purposes
  • Explain how input and output devices work with the micro:bit to create functional systems
  • Use the MakeCode editor to write, test, and download basic programs onto the micro:bit
  • Apply foundational coding and problem-solving skills to create your first micro:bit-powered project

Standards Accordion

Standards for CS Teachers

Standard 1. CS Knowledge and Skills

1a. Apply CS practices

1b. Apply knowledge of computing systems

1c. Develop programs and interpret algorithms

Standard 3. Professional Growth and Identity

3a. Pursue targeted professional development

3b. Model continuous learning

ISTE Standards: For Educators

  1. 2.c Model Digital Tool Use
  2. 4.b Learn Alongside Students
  3. 6.a Foster Student Ownership of Learning
  4. 6.b Foster Classroom Management of Tech
  5. 6.c Teach Computational and Design Thinking