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Glacier Tracking with Satellites

Difficulty: Grade 6-8
Time: 60-90 mins

In this lesson, students will learn how glaciers help regulate Earth’s temperature, and how the “Ice-Albedo Feedback loop” is accelerating climate change. In the ‘Take Action’ section of this lesson, students will build a glacier satellite to explore albedo and simulate how scientists monitor glaciers from space as a form of climate action!

What this lesson includes
Lesson Content
Glaciers, Satellites, Ice-Albedo Feedback
Coding Tutorial
Block-Based, Data Collection
Triangulated Assessment Options
Educator Resources
Finished Code Link
Quickstart Guide

Looking for more resources? Look  here.

Learning Goals

  • Define albedo
  • Explain how ‘Ice-Albedo Feedback’ accelerates climate change
  • Build prototype of a glacier satellite that:
    • detects changes in surface reflectivity simulating how real satellites might detect glacier melting
    • uses loops to continuously track data
    • uses conditional statements to decide which data to save or discard
  • Collect and analyze experimental data using the data logging feature in MakeCode


This lesson provides a strong real-world application and hands-on activity to supplement the following Grade 6-8 Next Generation Science Standards:

  • Reflection and absorption of light (MS-PS4-2)
  • Role of water in Earth’s surface processes (MS-ESS2-4)
  • Methods for monitoring human impact on the environment (MS-ESS3-3)
  • Cause of global rise in temperatures (MS-ESS3-5)

We recommend students have a basic understanding of the impact of a object’s material on its ability to reflect, absorb, or transmit light before starting this lesson.


  • Climate Action Kit or Wind Turbine Kit
  • micro:bit V2
  • Computer with access to Microsoft MakeCode
  • Multi-coloured construction paper (white, black, and one other colour at minimum)

Get to Know the Content

  1. Make sure you've completed our 'Getting Started with the Climate Action Kit' course
  2. If it has been awhile, review the kit components featured in this lesson:
  3. Review the lesson, particularly the following thinking routines from Project Zero (Harvard Graduate School of Education):
  4. Optionally review how micro:bit’s data logging feature works, including how to access the ‘MY_DATA’ file

Big Idea (15 minutes)

Learn about the role glaciers play in regulating Earth’s temperature.

Take Action (45 minutes)

Build your own glacier satellite with the Climate Action Kit! This glacier satellite measures surface albedo (reflectivity!) as a way to track glacier melting over time.

We've provided 3 ways students may build the project to support scaffolding and differentiation in your classroom: 'Use', 'Modify', and 'Create'.*

Activity Description

Students will follow a step-by-step tutorial to build & use their glacier satellite. The goal is to help them develop a better understanding of its features.

Success Criteria

I can:

  • build a glacier satellite with the Climate Action Kit
  • use the solar sensor to measure the amount of light reflected off paper of different colours
  • visualize data using the live data simulator in MakeCode


Final Code

Students will follow a step-by-step tutorial to build their glacier satellite. After this, they will modify the code and complete a basic challenge to demonstrate their understanding.

Success Criteria

I can:

  • build a glacier satellite with the Climate Action Kit
  • use loops to continuously track solar data using the data logger extension in MakeCode
  • use conditional statements to decide which data to save and delete on the micro:bit
  • use the glacier satellite to conduct an experiment that simulates the change in Earth’s albedo as glaciers melt


Final Code

Students will work in small groups to research different ways scientists are monitoring glaciers and design a prototype with the Climate Action Kit.

Success Criteria

I can build a satellite to study glacier melting with the Climate Action Kit that uses at least:

  • one sensor to track data on glaciers (e.g. solar, sonar, temperature)
  • the data logging extension in MakeCode
  • one loop to take continuous measurements
  • one conditional statement to save or clear data


Blank Project

*Irene Lee, Fred Martin, Jill Denner, Bob Coulter, Walter Allan, Jeri Erickson, Joyce Malyn-Smith, and Linda Werner. 2011. Computational thinking for youth in practice. Acm Inroads 2, 1 (2011), 32–37.

Use the following criteria to assess student learning. Students can:


  • Define albedo
  • Describe how the ‘Ice-Albedo Feedback Loop’ accelerates climate change
  • Explain why tracking glacier melting is a form of climate action
  • Predict relative changes in the light reflected off a surface based its colour
  • Explain the purpose of each smart component and building block in the main build (Use, Modify, Create)
  • Explain the purpose of loops and conditional statements in the code (Modify, Create)


  • Methodically test and debug their code to ensure it functions as intended (Modify, Create)


  • Add comments to the code to demonstrate their understanding of each block (Use, Modify, Create)
  • Add a new conditional statement to control the saving or clearing of data in the log (Modify, Create)
  • Design their own glacier satellite that satisfies provided criteria (Create)

Next Generation Science Standards

Grade 6-8

MS-PS4-2 Develop and use a model to describe that waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials.

MS-ESS2-4 Develop a model to describe the cycling of water through Earth’s systems driven by energy from the sun and the force of gravity.

MS-ESS3-3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.

MS-ESS3-5 Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century.

MS-ETS1-4 Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

Computer Science Teachers Association Standards

Grade 6-8

2-CS-02 Design projects that combine hardware and software components to collect and exchange data.

2-CS-03 Systematically identify and fix problems with computing devices and their components.

2-DA-08 Collect data using computational tool and transform the data to make it more useful and reliable.

2-DA-09 Refine computational models based on the data they have generated.

2-AP-12 Design and iteratively develop programs that combine control structures, including nested loops and compound conditionals.

2-AP-17 Systematically test and refine programs using a range of test cases.

2-AP-19 Document programs in order to make them easier to follow, test, and debug.

United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

13: Climate Action

14: Life Below Water

15: Life on Land

Common Career Technical Core Standards

STEM Cluster: Engineering & Technology Career Pathway

ST-ET 1.3 Use computer applications to solve problems by creating and using algorithms, and through simulation and modeling techniques.

ST-ET 2.1 Select and use information technology tools to collect, analyze, synthesize and display data to solve problems.

ST-ET 3.1 Use knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice.

ST-ET 3.2 Describe the elements of good engineering practice (e.g., understanding customer needs, planning requirements analysis, using appropriate engineering tools, prototyping, testing, evaluating and verifying).

ST-ET 3.4 Illustrate the ability to characterize a plan and identify the necessary engineering tools that will produce a technical solution when given a problem statement.

ST-ET 4.1 Explain why and how the contributions of great innovators are important to society.

ST-ET 4.2 Explain the elements and steps of the design process and tools or techniques that can be used for each step.

ST-ET 4.3 Describe design constraints, criteria, and trade-offs in regard to variety of conditions (e.g., technology, cost, safety, society, environment, time, human resources, manufacturability).

ST-ET 5.1 Apply the design process using appropriate modeling and prototyping, testing, verification and implementation techniques.

ST-ET 5.2 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a design or product and improve the design using testing, modeling and research.

ST-ET 5.3 Demonstrate the ability to record and organize information and test data during design evaluation.

ST-ET 6.1 Apply the use of algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric relationships, characteristics and properties to solve problems.

ST-ET 6.2 Apply the process and concepts for science literacy relative to engineering and technology.

ST-ET 6.4 Apply basic laws and principles relevant to engineering and technology.

STEM Cluster: Science and Math Career Pathway

ST-SM 1.1 Apply science and mathematics concepts and principles to resolve plans, projects, processes, issues or problems through methods of inquiry.

ST-SM 1.2 Use the skills and abilities in science and mathematics to access, share, and use data to develop plans, processes, projects and solutions.

ST-SM 1.3 Use the skills and abilities in science and mathematics to integrate solutions related to technical or engineering activities using the content and concepts related to the situations.

ST-SM 1.4 Explain the role of modeling in science and engineering.

ST-SM 1.5 Explain the use of models and simulation in hypothesis testing (i.e., the scientific method).

ST-SM 1.6 Communicate with others on inquiry or resolution of issues/problems in the global community.

ST-SM 2.1 Demonstrate the ability to recognize cause and effect when faced with assigned projects or issues.

ST-SM 2.4 Predict the outcomes based on data collected in a project or experiment.

ST-SM 2.8 Draw a conclusion when confronted with data or observations that focus on the observed plans, processes, or projects at hand.

ST-SM 2.9 Analyze change as a result of data differences and changing environmental values.

ST-SM 2.10 Research a topic, collect data, analyze the data and draw conclusions from the results.

ST-SM 2.11 Use qualitative and quantitative skills to conduct a simple scientific survey; use the data to draw a conclusion based on the analysis.

ST-SM 3.1 Evaluate the impact of science on society based on products and processes used in the real world.

ST-SM 3.2 Evaluate the impact of mathematics on society based on products and processes used in the real world.

ST-SM 3.3 Research how science and mathematics influence the professions and occupations supported by the STEM Career Cluster.

Information Technology Cluster: Programming & Software Development Career Pathway

IT-PRG 4.1 Employ tools in developing software applications.

IT-PRG 6.1 Explain programming language concepts.

IT-PRG 6.3 Demonstrate proficiency in developing an application using an appropriate programming language.

IT-PRG 6.4 Explain basic software systems implementation.

IT-PRG 7.1 Develop a software test plan.

IT-PRG 7.2 Perform testing and validation.