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Nominate a Hope Spot: Protecting Local Marine Ecosystems

  • Difficulty: Grade 11-12
  • Time: 2-3 hrs
  • Categories: Oceans

In this lesson, students will explore how coastal or marine areas can be nominated as Hope Spots based on their unique biodiversity, cultural significance and the environmental threats they face. Then, using the Climate Action Kit, they will design and build a custom monitoring system to address a conservation challenge, such as preventing illegal fishing.

What this lesson includes

  • Lesson Content

    Marine Ecosystems, Data Collection and Analysis, Engineering
  • Real-World Example

  • Coding Tutorial

  • Assessment

    Triangulated Assessment Options

Overview Accordion

Learning Goals

  • Describe the purpose of Hope Spots in marine conservation efforts
  • List the key criteria Mission Blue uses to select an area as a Hope Spot, including biodiversity, community significance, threats, and conservation potential
  • Analyze environmental data from reliable sources to evaluate the suitability of a local marine or coastal area for Hope Spot nomination
  • Design and construct a functional technology solution using the Climate Action Kit that addresses a specific environmental threat to the nominated Hope Spot

Preparation Accordion


Students should be comfortable conducting independent or small group research projects and navigating databases in order to complete the activities in the 'Big Idea' section.


Get to Know the Content

  1. Make sure you've completed our 'Getting Started with the Climate Action Kit' professional development series
  2. If it has been awhile, review the kit components featured in this lesson:
  3. Review the lesson

Activity Accordion

Big Idea (60 minutes)

Students will:

  • Learn about Hope Spots and how they protect vital marine ecosystems
  • Discuss the key criteria for nominating a Hope Spot
  • Evaluate a local area against Hope Spot criteria using real-world data

Take Action (90 minutes)

Students will build and code a custom solution to further protect their nominated Hope Spot. They will use the Climate Action Kit's sensors to track environmental conditions, such as water quality, fishing vessel activity, or temperature changes.

We've provided 3 ways students may build the project to support scaffolding and differentiation in your classroom: 'Use', 'Modify', and 'Create'.*

Activity Description

Students will follow a step-by-step tutorial to build and use a Hope Spot monitoring system that protects their nominated spot by detecting and deterring nearby ships, such as fishing vessels.

Success Criteria

I can:

  • build a Hope Spot monitoring station with the Climate Action Kit
  • describe how the sonar sensor, servo motor, and LED ring work together in the system
  • test and describe how the sonar sensor detects ships and triggers warnings
  • explain the role of conditional statements and functions used in the program
  • propose additional functionalities to improve the effectiveness of the station


Final Code

Students will follow a step-by-step tutorial to build the coral reef model. They will improve upon the model by modifying the code and ensuring bleaching happens more gradually.

Success Criteria

I can:

  • build a Hope Spot monitoring station with the Climate Action Kit
  • adjust the rotation range and speed of the sonar sensor to improve the its coverage
  • write conditional statements to enhance the LED warning system based on ship proximity
  • implement data logging to track ships that enter the Hope Spot


Final Code

Students will work in a group to design, build & code a custom solution to protect your Hope Spot using the Climate Action Kit. Their solution should in some way provide key environmental data that aid Ecologists in their conservation efforts.

Success Criteria

I can build a custom technological solution with the Climate Action Kit that:

  • Addresses at least one of the main threats to my nominated Hope Spot (e.g., pollution, overfishing)
  • Uses at least one sensor to collect environmental data (e.g., water quality, temperature, GPS)
  • Responds to changes in the environment by triggering an action (e.g., alerts, log data)
  • Is tested and debugged to ensure it works effectively in monitoring the area’s health


Blank Project

*Irene Lee, Fred Martin, Jill Denner, Bob Coulter, Walter Allan, Jeri Erickson, Joyce Malyn-Smith, and Linda Werner. 2011. Computational thinking for youth in practice. Acm Inroads 2, 1 (2011), 32–37.

Assessment Accordion

Use the following criteria to assess student learning. Students can:


  • Discuss the significance of Hope Spots and why specific areas are nominated for protection
  • Explain how the main threats like overfishing, pollution, and climate change impact marine ecosystems
  • Describe how different sensors (e.g., sonar, temperature) gather data and why it's crucial for monitoring marine environments
  • Identify the role of control structures like functions and conditionals in the main builds (Use, Modify, Create)


  • Methodically test and debug their code to ensure the designed solution functions as intended (Modify, Create)


  • Add comments to the code to demonstrate their understanding of each block (Use, Modify, Create)
  • Write conditional statements and functions to enhance the features of their technological solution
  • Design a unique prototype that addresses specific threats to their nominated Hope Spot (Create)

Standards Accordion

Next Generation Science Standards

Grade 9-12

HS-LS2-2 Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales.

HS-LS2-7 Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities on the environment and biodiversity.

HS-ESS3-4 Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.

HS-PS4-5 Communicate technical information about how some technological devices use the principles of wave behavior and wave interactions with matter to transmit and capture information and energy.

HS-ETS1-2 Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.

Computer Science Teachers Association Standards

Grade 11-12

3B-DA-06 Select data collection tools and techniques to generate data sets that support a claim or communicate information.

3B-AP-14 Construct solutions to problems using student-created components, such as procedures, modules and/or objects.

3B-AP-21 Develop and use a series of test cases to verify that a program performs according to its design specifications.

3B-AP-22 Modify an existing program to add additional functionality and discuss intended and unintended implications (e.g., breaking other functionality).

3B-IC-25 Evaluate computational artifacts to maximize their beneficial effects and minimize harmful effects on society.

Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

High School

HSN.Q.A.2 Define appropriate quantities for the purpose of descriptive modeling.

HSN.Q.A.3 Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to limitations on measurement when reporting quantities.

HSA.CED.A.3 Represent constraints by equations or inequalities, and by systems of equations and/or inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or nonviable options in a modeling context. For example, represent inequalities describing nutritional and cost constraints on combinations of different foods.

United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals

13 Climate Action

14 Life Below Water

15 Life on Land

Common Career Technical Core Standards

STEM Cluster: Engineering & Technology Career Pathway

ST-ET 1.3 Use computer applications to solve problems by creating and using algorithms, and through simulation and modeling techniques.

ST-ET 2.1 Select and use information technology tools to collect, analyze, synthesize and display data to solve problems.

ST-ET 3.1 Use knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for engineering practice.

ST-ET 3.2 Describe the elements of good engineering practice (e.g., understanding customer needs, planning requirements analysis, using appropriate engineering tools, prototyping, testing, evaluating and verifying).

ST-ET 3.4 Illustrate the ability to characterize a plan and identify the necessary engineering tools that will produce a technical solution when given a problem statement.

ST-ET 4.1 Explain why and how the contributions of great innovators are important to society.

ST-ET 4.2 Explain the elements and steps of the design process and tools or techniques that can be used for each step.

ST-ET 4.3 Describe design constraints, criteria, and trade-offs in regard to variety of conditions (e.g., technology, cost, safety, society, environment, time, human resources, manufacturability).

ST-ET 5.1 Apply the design process using appropriate modeling and prototyping, testing, verification and implementation techniques.

ST-ET 5.2 Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a design or product and improve the design using testing, modeling and research.

ST-ET 5.3 Demonstrate the ability to record and organize information and test data during design evaluation.

ST-ET 6.1 Apply the use of algebraic, geometric, and trigonometric relationships, characteristics and properties to solve problems.

STEM Cluster: Science and Math Career Pathway

ST-SM 1.1 Apply science and mathematics concepts and principles to resolve plans, projects, processes, issues or problems through methods of inquiry.

ST-SM 1.2 Use the skills and abilities in science and mathematics to access, share, and use data to develop plans, processes, projects and solutions.

ST-SM 1.3 Use the skills and abilities in science and mathematics to integrate solutions related to technical or engineering activities using the content and concepts related to the situations.

ST-SM 1.4 Explain the role of modeling in science and engineering.

ST-SM 1.6 Communicate with others on inquiry or resolution of issues/problems in the global community.

ST-SM 2.1 Demonstrate the ability to recognize cause and effect when faced with assigned projects or issues.

ST-SM 3.1 Evaluate the impact of science on society based on products and processes used in the real world.

ST-SM 3.3 Research how science and mathematics influence the professions and occupations supported by the STEM Career Cluster.

Information Technology Cluster: Programming & Software Development Career Pathway

IT-PRG 4.1 Employ tools in developing software applications.

IT-PRG 6.1 Explain programming language concepts.

IT-PRG 6.3 Demonstrate proficiency in developing an application using an appropriate programming language.

IT-PRG 6.4 Explain basic software systems implementation.

IT-PRG 7.1 Develop a software test plan.

IT-PRG 7.2 Perform testing and validation.